David St.-Lascaux biography


David St.-Lascaux, with Hypatia, the Fondling Muse, from e*sequiturs.

Please use this copy for byline biography:

David St.-Lascaux is an author, poet, diarist and journalist. His poetry resides online at Interrupting Infinity (www.davidstlascaux.com), where prose poems L’Oubliette, or Plan A and Petit Soubresaut de Mon Cœur (My Little Heartbreak) (the latter performed at the Bowery Poetry Club), also reside. E*sequiturs, an interactive e-book of ergodic infornography, resides online at www.esequiturs.com. Interrupting Infinity also contains Third Party Poetry, invitational poems by littérateurs not St.-L. Journalistically, St.-L has also written about art, dance, music and poetry for the Brooklyn Rail.

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One Response to “David St.-Lascaux biography”

  1. donna says:

    aHA! And I still see the boy in you. Nicely done.