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Pulitzer Prize poet Gregory Pardlo.
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28 February 2014
Cold Spring Diary: “Spring Lambs”

The Cold Spring Farmers’ Market; spring lambs at Glynwood; Christopher Rand’s The Changing Landscape.

18 February 2014
Cold Spring Diary: “First Sun-Day”

The inaugural entry in my new diary from Putnam County, New York; James Howard Kunstler’s The Geography of Nowhere.

21 November 2013
A Steichen & Rodin Creation Story: “Fiat Lux” Meets Adam’s Rib

A reflection on one of the greatest photographic portraits ever: Auguste Rodin by Edward Steichen, a color autochrome, 1907.

18 October 2013
Simon Says: Dance! Or, the Secrets of Choreography Revealed

Choreographer/Dancer Janis Brenner and company in “Dig Dance” at the 92nd Street Y. Exclusive content.

4 October 2013
Complicit Artificiality: Sarah Plum and Hal Grossman in “Parameters of Sound” at Spectrum

Violinists Sarah Plum and Hal Grossman perform new music at Spectrum. Exclusive content.

17 April 2013
A Night at the Opera: New Shorts from Experiments in Opera

St.-L’s review in the Brooklyn Rail of Experiments in Opera at at the Actor’s Fund Arts Center.